My thanks extends to:
All those at the forums who helped with the original testing of the numbers, when the new Runewords came out. Also, a huge thanks goes out to the now-retired Lions_Fist/Jacob, who turned my 112,000 damage-dealing Sorceress into something duel-worthy, before handing the torch back to me to finish off [since I could afford it].
I also need to thank the Oddball Super Squad, who decided to pursue this build as the ultimate representation of our group, rather than that Bow Assassin, which didn't appear to work out. Hundreds of mulings, rushes, team duels, and plenty of support: You guys are the reason I made this girl.
Lastly, my thanks goes to Adam Krinke, who, with full permission, allowed me to use the basic script that he used on his Were-form guides, that saved me many hours of scripting time, so I could bring this site to you all-the-faster. I left the legal note at the bottom, for you.

Adam Krinke's Werebear Guide
The Arreat Summit
The Amazon Basin (Diablo II)
The Proof of Me Being First

Scripts  ©2002 Adam Krinke. All Rights Reserved.